Bibliography: Sacred Architecture

Bibliography: Sacred Architecture

Bernbaum, Edwin, Sacred Mountains of the World, Sierra Club Books 1990

Deveraux, Paul, The Sacred Place, Cassell & CO, 2000

Humphrey, Caroline & Piers Vitebsky, Sacred Architecture, Little, Brown & Co, 1997

Gallagher, Winifred, The Power of Place, Poseidon Press

Lawlor, Anthony, The Temple in the House, G.P Putnam’s Sons, 1994

Mann, AT, Sacred Architecture, Vega Books, 2002

Pennick, Nigel, Mazes and Labyrinths, Robert Hale, London, 1990

Pettis, Chuck, Secrets of Sacred Space, LLewellyn Publications, 1999

Richardson, Phyllis, New Sacred Architecture, Lawrence King Publishing, London, 2004

Scully, Vincent, The Earth, the Temple and the Gods, Frederck Praeger, London, 1962

Tuan, Yi-Fu, Topophilia, University of Minnesota Press, 2000

Tuan, Yi-Fu, Space and Place, University of Minnesota Press, 2003


Bibliography: Western Geomancy


Bibliography: Sacred Geometry